Welcome to the New DrawBridge
What do you think of our new website? It presents us as we truly are: a dynamic, professional, effective and caring organization, ready to extend and enlarge our presence in the Bay Area and increase the breadth of support for homeless and underserved children.
The new site reflects our personality as an organization, and the goals we want to achieve, such as program expansion and community involvement. It better conveys what we do and whom we serve, offering insights into the lives of the children of DrawBridge, and the very active and involved volunteers, facilitators, staff and Board.
It is easier to navigate, with additional photos and insights, and information about the new partnerships we are forging, events we are planning, and the inspiring stories we’d like to share.
It also expresses the fun the kids have when they participate in our art groups, and how it lightens their burdens and lifts their creative spirits. As one girl recently exclaimed during her DrawBridge art group, “I don’t want this ever to end!”
We invite you to participate in our continuing evolution. There are many ways to get involved, be it volunteering with the kids, attending events or helping to present them, or offering expertise, in-kind donations or monetary support. If you’d like to know more, please contact me at drawbridge@drawbridge.org.
The new face of DrawBridge (including an updated logo) reflects the organization’s journey: building on a strong foundation with improved presentation and focus. We’ll continue our transformative work with kids just as we always have, in a way that brings our work closer to you, and hopefully brings you closer to us as well.
Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon and see what else is new!
Julie Scribner, Executive Director